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The rain sensor is sending inaccurate precipitation readings.

Please follow the steps of this guide only, if the following conditions are true:
  • your weather station has a tipping bucket rain sensor
  • the station gives inaccurate rain readings

Theory: Inside these rain sensors there is a magnet and magnetic (reed) switch. Every time when its tipping bucket gets full with water it empties itself due to the gravitation. In this case the magnet generates contact in the reed switch. The station can sense this contact and calculates the amount of water/rainfall.
Tools required:
  1. Cross/Phillips (+) screwdriver
  2. About 0.5 l = 500 ml = 500 gramm water in a bottle for testing
  3. A scale/gauge to measure water amount in milliliters / gramms

Possible causes of the problem:
  1. Something (dirt,a leaf, etc.) is blocking the waterflow in the cone of the rain gauge
  2. The bottom cover or the top rain collector cone fall off from the rain gauge.
  3. The rain sensor is not leveled properly.
  4. The rain sensor needs to be recalibrated.

Testing steps:
  1. Check if the cone of the rain sensor is not filled with dirt/leaves which could block the way of water into the gauge.
  2. Check if the bottom cover and the top rain collector cone parts are still mounted properly on the rain gauge.
  3. Check if the upper collector plain of the rain sensor is leveled properly / horizontal.
  4. Fill water in the rain gauge. You should hear clicks one by one while the water is flowing through the sensor.
    You need to add water into the gauge very slowly during calibration.  A good practice could be squeezing out water from a sponge, or from a syringe (without needle).
  5. Calibration amounts:
    - 1mm resolution rain gauge 5 ml water -> 1 click
    - 0.2mm resolution rain gauge 4 ml water -> 1 click
    - 0.1mm resolution rain gauge 2 ml water -> 1 click
    More information about calibration ->here<-
  6. Wait few minutes and check at the station's data monitor page at If the station has reported the proper value* then the station is working fine.
    * number of clicks multiply the rain sensors resolution (1,0.2,0.1mm)
  7. Please send us the result of your tests and measurements by email!

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